What is the difference between John F. Kennedy Memorial Library, Library North, Palmer Wing, and the University Library?


The simple answer is that all of these are referring to the same thing but here’s a more detailed explanation:

  • The University Library refers to the whole library organization; the staff, librarians, services, and resources.
  • The John F. Kennedy Memorial Library refers to the physical buildings of Library North and South (Palmer Wing).
  • Library North is one of the two library buildings. This building houses most of the library’s physical collections, personnel, services, and several study rooms.
  • Library South (Palmer Wing) houses a small portion of the library’s physical collection, Special Collections, and non-library departments such as ITS and Center for Academic Success. 
    • Library South is also known as Palmer Wing and was named in honor of John A. Palmer, former Vice President of Academic Affairs. Palmer also served as Chair of the English Department and Dean of the School of Letters and Sciences.

Please visit our floor maps page for a detailed description of what is on each building and floor.

You can learn more about the history of the Library and Cal State LA through Special Collections or the Office of Communications and Public Affairs.


  • Last Updated Feb 06, 2025
  • Views 9
  • Answered By Rachel Atwood

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