Can I print or download library ebook chapters?
The quick answer is sometimes. Many times, you can download an ebook chapter. However, there are a few exceptions.
Limited Digital Rights
Unfortunately, some e-books in the library's collection are limited by digital rights management (DRM) restrictions. These restrictions mean printing and downloading pages are typically limited to a certain percentage of the work. The publisher sets the allowed amount and not the library.
You can find out how many pages you can print/save from a book by clicking the print or download options inside the e-book screen. You can find more information about downloading within a specific database on our ebooks guide.
Single-User E-Books
Some of the ebooks the library owns are single-user. Single-user means only one person can access the book at a time.
Because only one user can access the book at any time, we have set single-user books so that they can not be downloaded (which would prevent another user from accessing the book). If you are searching in our library catalog, OneSearch, you should be able to see how many users can access it next to where it says access model.