I'm having issues accessing a database. Who do I contact?


There are three main ways of submitting support tickets for e-resources.

1. Email us! You can always use the libsupport@calstatela.edu email address to send us questions. We really appreciate information such as the name of the journal or database having the issue, whether you are on campus or not, which browser you’re using, etc.

2. OneSearch Problem Report! Every OneSearch record has a button that says “See a Problem? Report a Problem” that looks like this:

Clicking this button opens a form where you can input your name, email, and the issue you are having. The system sends this information along with all the data from the OneSearch record, so we get information about the record you were viewing as well.

3. Electronic Resource Problem Report Form! To report errors and access issues for items outside of OneSearch, try using the Report an Electronic Resources Issue Form. This form requests all the same information we request when you email libsupport@calstatela.edu directly.


For help using databases and finding materials, see our options for getting help from a Librarian or Student Research Consultant.
  • Last Updated Oct 16, 2024
  • Views 38
  • Answered By

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