Why am I getting an error trying to access Google Scholar?


When trying to access Google Scholar, you may sometimes run into the following error: "ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key." This can happen when too many people are accessing Google Scholar through our proxy server.

Option 1: Configure your settings

Link your Google account to California State University, Los Angeles, so the “Find It @ Cal State LA” links will always appear – even if you don’t start your search from this page. Go to our customized settings screen and click Save. If you’re logged into a Google account, it will remember that setting from now on.

To configure your settings manually, try the following steps:

1. Go to https://scholar.google.com/

2. Click the three lines in the top left corner.

Google Scholar Menu

3. Click Settings.

Google Scholar Settings

4. Click Library Links.

Google Scholar Library Links

5. Search for California State University, Los Angeles, check the box next to the result, and save your settings (you can also add other libraries or even Worldcat).

Google Scholar Settings Library Links

6. You can now continue to search and should see the Find It @ Cal State LA links next to articles and books we have access to.

Unfortunately, this does not always solve the issue. The error issue should resolve itself in a day or two.

Option 2: Try Different Browsers

Problems have been noted with Chrome and sometimes Safari. If neither of these browsers work, try Firefox. 

Option 3: Incognito Window 

If you have problems using Google Scholar in Chrome, open up an Incognito Window and do your Google Scholar search there. To do this, open the Chrome menu in the upper-right-hand corner of the browser window and select New Incognito Window. You can also use the shortcut Shift + ⌘ + N (macOS), or Shift + CTRL + N (Windows/Linux).

  • Last Updated Jul 31, 2024
  • Views 1287
  • Answered By Tiffanie Ford-Baxter

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